Friday, May 21, 2010

X day X date

I received my dear's letter....
Hehe, i think he's too boring at home...Haha, Eh just kidding la dear=)
Nothing's special but touching.T.T When I read his letter, I was sooooooo TOUCHING!!!!!T.T(you can wipe my tears now)He said:" hey dear, stop keeping unhapy things in your heart can?"Here, i tould likt to answer him,:"hey, my pig,I didn't. Just sometimes....u know, those unhappy things will influence once's emotinoal....
actually, that's what a life called...Don't worry,i'mok for itm =) look a this! that's me! I will stay strong to face these obstacles....Because.....I'm with you! Nothing to be scared..." Love is the most powerful thing in this world. When once get a guy or a girl who truly loves you, congratulations! If he or she hasn't appear in your life yrt, don't worry, someday, both of you wll meet together under an unexpected condition.God will made a suit decision for you. No rush. And No worry. Thanks to my dear, for teaching me a lot of things, and make me feel safe all the time=)..never ever complain when I didn't pich up his phone sooooo many times becuase I'm definately a dead-sleeping pig@,@, thanks for understanding ya dear. You always be patience and bear for my naughty and playful attitude.... And love me....Thank you...I heart you!

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